I know this blog is called "Emmabean & Me", but this post is really just about me. :-) Last week I went to Washington. D.C. for a conference at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. I teach a semester-long course on the Holocaust & human rights so this was a really fantastic opportunity professionally speaking. The conference was exceptional as was the museum. I also got to do A LOT of sightseeing while I was there. I took over 150 pictures (it's genetic, I blame my mother), but I'm only posting a few. These are the "self-portraits" I had to take since I was the only one there! It was REALLY hot, so pardon all the sweat...

In the Jungle Room at the U.S. Botanical Gardens
Capitol Building. If you look closely, you might see the Congressmen I will not be voting for in 2102
(j/k, they're tourists)

Another tourist felt bad for me and snapped this shot in the foyer of the Library of Congress
Ok, not a picture of me but the REAL slippers Judy Garland wore in my favorite movie of all time.

At the World War II Memorial...beautiful monument!

At the Lincoln Memorial
Again, someone felt sorry for me and took this picture of me in front of the White House.

At the Supreme Court...where I'm gonna work someday :-)
A shout-out to my love, Teddy Roosevelt. The Rough Rider Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery.

At the Vietnam Wall.
I saw so many things when I was there! A quick list- the Botanic Gardens, the Capitol, Library of Congress, Supreme Court, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Museum of American History, Washington Monument, White House, Holocaust Museum, National Archives, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, George Washington University, Arlington National Cemetery, Korean War Memorial, and 7-11. :-) All in 4 1/2 days! It was great...a trip every American should take in his/her lifetime! I did miss Emmabean terribly, though.